High pressure dryer

HPD high pressure dryer
The machine works at 5 bar and maximum temperature 140 °C.
Carriers are the same used in GS (vertical dyeing machines) and GSHOR (Horizontal dyeing machines).
This machine is highly efcient and does not need previous hydro extraction. It is comple- tely in AISI 316L. It works in closed high pres- sure circuit at 5 bar and does not need filters. There is no air yarn pollution due to air impu- rities.
Range: 200-800 Kg.
The cycle is divided into 3 parts: squeezing, drying, conditioning.
Machine has a big flow blower and rapid pressurization system, special heat exchan- ger with big contact surfaces to heat and cool.
Machine has a special high efficiency blower with particular shape of impeller (Peltier) and the mechanical seal is easy to change. Flow deviator is fitted in back of the kier and allows very easy change in flow direction avoiding pressure losses.
Heat exchangers are separated for heat and cool and are tested at 16 bars.
The horizontal version is avaiable.
Consumption: steam: approx. 0,85 kg/kg of yarn (with heat recovery it is 50% less.).
Electricity: approx. 0,3 kWh/kg of yarn. Cooling water: approx. 6 l/kg of yarn. Drying time: approx. 60 – 75 min.